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Advanced Carbine

Advanced Carbine

SKU: 632835642834572

Why You Should Sign-Up Today:

Americas favorite rifle is the AR-15. Whether you use one for home or vehicle defense, competitions or recreational shooting, CFA carbine classes will make you a better shooter. Our classes are geared towards civilian defensive gun use and our goal is for you to be comfortable in handling and operating your rifle in a dynamic “360 degree environment” under stressful conditions. Our courses are designed to help you push your limits and increase your capabilities.

Topics Covered in this Course:

Gun safety, Shooting while moving, Support side shooting, Use of cover/concealment, Transitions to secondary weapon and Shooting in awkward and tense situations.

Student Requirements:

Colorado Firearms Academy students must abide by all applicable state and federal laws at all times before, during, and after their courses. 

Equipment Requirements:

  • Semi-auto rifle (AR-15 recommended)
  • Sling Required (2-point sling recommended)
  • Semi-Automatic Handgun (rentals available at CFA, no “Pocket Pistols”, no revolvers)
  • Strong side or appendix Kydex or leather holster for your handgun that completely covers the trigger guard (rentals available at CFA) – No small of the back holsters, no pocket holsters, no shoulder holsters, no cross-draw holsters, no soft-sided holsters, no trigger guard retention devices (Serpa).
  • A belt to support the holster
  • A minimum of three magazines for each weapons system and a double magazine carrier for your pistol. (included in rental package).
  • Tac belt or chest rack with mag pouches
  • Dump Pouch
  • Electronic hearing protection (rentals available at CFA).
  • No open-toed shoes allowed.
  • Brimmed hat.
  • Shooting glasses with Z87+ or MilSpec APEL rating (rentals available at CFA).
  • 500 rounds of factory ammo. Hand loads not allowed.


Don't forget to add a T-shirt!


  • Legal Statement of Eligibility

    By continuing this purchase, I swear and affirm that I have

    • no criminal convictions,
    • am not currently under indictment or prosecution for any offense,
    • am not wanted for questioning or arrest by any law enforcement or government agency.
    • I affirm that I am not cuurntly under under force of any type of restraining order. 
    • I further state that I have no history of mental illness or substance abuse.

    I understand that my training may be terminated at any time during the course if my actions are not deemed appropriate by Colorado Firearms Academy staff. Upon arriving at the course, I agree to sign a document releasing Colorado Firearms Academy LLC. from any liability that may occur during the course of training or thereafter. 

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