Concealed Carry
The best Concealed Carry class in Denver is not in Denver.
Why You Should Sign-Up Today:
If you are looking for a class that will introduce you to the basics of legal concealed carry then this is the course for you! This class exceeds all minimum requirements to apply for a concealed carry weapons (CCW) permit in Colorado. The class is taught by Charlie Redmond and Brian Bentley, a certified USCCA Firearms Instructor, certified NRA Firearms Instructor, certified NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO), and former Veteran with years of experience.
Topics Covered in this Course:
Situational Awareness, Legal Justification of Deadly Force, Legal Ramifications of Using Deadly Force, Best Concealed Carry Practices, and Basic Handgun Handling Skills (malfunctions, sighting, etc.)
Student Requirements:
Colorado Firearms Academy students must abide by all applicable state and federal laws at all times before, during, and after their courses.
Equipment Requirements:
Pistol with at least 2 magazines (Rentals Available at CFA)
Holster that covers the trigger guard (Outside the waist band or Inside the waist ban)
A belt to support the holster
100 rounds of ammunition (no hand-loads)
Brimmed hat.
Shooting glasses with Z87+ or MilSpec APEL rating (rentals available at CFA).
Electronic hearing protection (rentals available at CFA).
Notebook & Pen/Pencil
And the most important piece, come with a good attitude to have some fun
Don't forget to add a T-shirt!
Legal Statement of Eligibility
By continuing this purchase, I swear and affirm that I have
- no criminal convictions,
- am not currently under indictment or prosecution for any offense,
- am not wanted for questioning or arrest by any law enforcement or government agency.
- I affirm that I am not cuurntly under under force of any type of restraining order.
- I further state that I have no history of mental illness or substance abuse.
I understand that my training may be terminated at any time during the course if my actions are not deemed appropriate by Colorado Firearms Academy staff. Upon arriving at the course, I agree to sign a document releasing Colorado Firearms Academy LLC. from any liability that may occur during the course of training or thereafter.